Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Thing 23: Congratulations

Reflection and Sharing about 23 Things

  • What were your favorite exercises:  see Thing #20: Recess
  • How has this program (23 Things) assisted or affected your learning goals: I have a greater appreciation for the role librarians play in technology. I feel more competent now in technological applications for the elementary classroom. Setting up my own classroom blog was a big deal and having one of my prospective students reply to my Welcome and first assignment was a huge affirmation. 
  • Unexpected Outcomes: 1)getting to know two of my classmates better and adding them to my Facebook 2) reading daily updates about areas of interest via Feedly
  • Improving Program: Overall I had a good experience--the format and concept are geared towards a self-learning of the technological tools available to teachers and librarians. 
  • Another Discovery Program like this: Yes, I'd participate. I'd blog my heart out.
  • One Word or Sentence: Revealing


  1. I really enjoyed your presentation last night. Thanks for the rubric!

  2. Hey, coming from you that means a lot! I think you really have what it takes to make a great librarian--at a high school nonetheless--and I'm excited for you. I added these two links about digital citizenship to the discussion board.

