Sunday, June 30, 2013

Thing 19: Mashups

This assignment was hard. The wiki I was using to conduct my searches in this area had many linked sites, but they were either dropped or so filled with advertisements that I couldn't navigate my way through. Luckily I found this blog entry on my Feedly

Mashable-13 Fantastic & Fun Image Generators.

I chose to investigate photo editor. It allows the user to upload a photo and then adjust brightness, contrast, saturation and hue to make a photo 'perfect'. User can then download to their computer files or publish. Other adjuncts which I haven't investigated on tuxpi are making posters, collages and stamps with the photos.

So, with tuxpi I used the above photo of my youngest grandson's b-day pic (with his brother) and transformed it into this:

Just kidding- both pics were altered by's photo editor.

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